Archive for Business Process Management

Apply V-B6 to Your Business Nerves (Process)

business process blog

As V B6 is useful for the nervous system of the human body, in the same way Mediation of the business process system improves operations in business.

Here, many companies are claiming to have a strong digital interface for their customer, marketing, and sales operations. They solved the specific problem they encountered, however what about handling problems not yet arrived. Moreover, these companies are not having truly implemented internal operational strength as internal processes are manual and in control of human nature.

That means a strong person makes them good going and at the same time a weak performer can make them less performing processes. Trust me, there needs to be really a mediated implementation of process management to strengthen all external situations like market change, policy changes, the multi-culture multi-geography extension of business, working under multiple government policies due to global business presence.

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“Digital Inside”, mostly not yet done or just done partially!

Digital Inside

I have witnessed that many bigger organizations yet not have a real Digital Inside that is because of end-to-end automation and integrated business processes. Most of IT implementations are rather a record management system. A lot of initiative has been taken by the leadership of the organization, however, it doesn’t catch up in-depth top to down integrated implementation of processes. Sometimes, it is more like marketing of implementation is done on branded products rather focus on understanding the real value of investment done by the organization.  Even, many times follow what others are doing, let go the same way without having thoughtful analysis in the context of your business like these days hype of RPA, AI, ML, BigData, etc.

Without adopting business process automation and management methodology and system, how can a bigger organization guarantee a good experience to all its stakeholders?  In one the report of Mc Kinency that only 37% of processes have been automated, I believe, it is even much lesser in reality.

Even, I have personally observed so many times, that an important vendor or customer-related processes become inefficient because of human inefficiency, depends on human efficiency allocated to take the process forward. Here, what if rather processes become self-sufficient to drive expected performance irrespective of particular human efficiency not ERP way rather BPM way.  Most of the processes should be auto-initiated based on event or time schedule.

Most of the organizations have taken their IT initiatives, which finally end up with the same silos implementation around the monolithic ERP system. seems to be only full proof technology, doesn’t need much of innovation, risk, etc.

However, according to one of Google’s recent reports, ERP covers only 20% of processes in the medium to large organizations. How about the majority of unorganized or unstructured processes, which are 80% of total operations. This 80 % of operations are driven by email and excel-sheet, which are completely under the blessing of humans, which is variable in nature.

These emails and excel sheets are a few major tools actually to drive most of the business operations including internal and external almost everywhere in the world. Ultimately, these emails copy or excel-sheets become well-printed copy to present to concern person manually.  You might agree with me that such email and excel are quite easy, unstructured, loosely coupled and passive tools to drive your businesses.

Now, questions are about how we get real value, how we can make things better and let digital technology to drive your operations more efficiently.

Here, I strongly suggest maximizing the use of a business process management approach and platform to establish a digital nerve system in your organization. And, ensure every end is connected to enable correlation, hence Digital IQ in the organization.

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Technology Product Adoption via Marketing Emotions or Emotionless Meditation

Marketing emotions or meditation for product adoption

A day before I was reading an article about the major reason for driving buyer decisions is marketing emotions or logical reasons. Here, it is a true fact that marketing drives emotions for product adoption most of the time. At the same time, the business leaders also well experienced to understand what would benefit their organization, still many times, they are forced to follow the trend of the industry, marketing hype and without digging the surface.

Marketing directly or indirectly can easily create a perspective of the product adoption and to sometimes artificially drive the need in the market by a lot of articulated articles to somehow align buyers towards its need. Even, many “strategy and consulting” companies, who define trends in the market drive preset hypes created around those products due to the commercial’s interest.

The second important reason, which affects the buying decision is the references, who else is using particular products and makes it easy for them to decide without taking any risk on own shoes. Definitely, that reduces the risk, however, it also reduces the understanding of the actual need of the product in the context of their organization.

I have quite observed, almost every other organization is following the same pattern except a few who really want to disrupt and want to take the risk to think or rethink differently and build an ecosystem not just to the specific problem, but to solve many things while solving that one problem.

Rather than following the rule of the same game everywhere, its time to do meditate every day every time about ‘what is right, ‘how much we actually understand’, ‘what fits well’ and most importantly ‘what does it mean in the context of your organization before you plan to invest your budget.

Read More : Apply V-B6 to Your Business Nerves 

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Is AI the Future of Work, or Work of the Future?

Artificial Intelligence is Going to be a Major Game Changer for Industrial Revolution, Which way will it sail?

Ai Artificial intelligence

There is no doubt that our generation witnessed the roots of the upcoming industrial revolution due to the implementation of AI. Robots are going to be the main reason for flipping the face of an upcoming industrial environment. Are you ready to hand over your crucial tasks to a robot?
AI trends are enhancing the future of work by automating repetitive tasks, improving decision-making processes, and increasing efficiency. With the help of AI, businesses can make data-driven decisions, personalize customer experiences, and reduce costs. AI also enables remote work and collaboration, making it easier for teams to work together regardless of location.

However, it might sound exciting but safety and economic transformation are crucial concerns to think of. How to save humans from robotized systems in case something goes wrong?  We have reduced salaries because of some tasks being done by robots? Will human workforce requirements drastically slope towards the south? To give an answer to these questions, it is unavoidable to regulate the process of AI development and the integration of humans and computers.

90% of Jobs Now Require IT Skills
Millions of people still with insufficient Basic IT skills
Digitization created Millions of New Jobs
Human work is being evaded by the robots

Now how all these will be lined up in a productive way?

Will AI Ever be Better Than Us?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a long way to go before competing with humans. Undoubtedly, robots are much better than humans in computing and doing repetitive tasks. Basically, there are two types of AI: Weak and Strong. The neural networks that serve as a base of modern AI devices look like having the same working principles as a natural human brain, but actually, they haven’t. Neither robotic programs can analyze and make particular decisions as effective as humans nor even surpass them. Thus, comparing AI and human intelligence is reasonable.

However, robots might beat humans doing various planned tasks but it can turn scarier to trust a machine in decision-making prospects. Resultant, it is good to support AI to lessen the workload of humans but an evasion of human interference is not a cool idea.

Apart from that, we have to think about how society will accept robots who would deal with lots of day-to-day issues instead of humans. This is a future challenge for science communicators and journalists, as they will have to explain to people how to live in this new world.

Posted in: Business Process Management, Document Management System, Learning Topic

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