Document Routing & Workflow

Document Routing

Simplified Routing & Processing of The Documents

Document Routing

docEdge DMS provides a feature to a model work-flow for your document routing process, and publish it to attach with a particular document.

Intuitive drag & drop graphical work-flow designer

An intuitive, user-friendly tool to map and streamline any of your unique organizational documents.

  • Visio-style look and feel.
  • Drag and drop queues onto canvas to easily draw the work-flow.
  • Connect work-steps with the click of a mouse.
  • Unlimited number of work-flow scenarios.

Audit Trails and Visibility

Get full surveillance of work-flow from point to point interaction with it for every organizational document. docEdge DMS also allows to conduct an audit or check on historical interactions or any other movements or changes in any documents.

  • Track and display work-flow history for each document or file.
  • Check who, when, and what alteration done in any document.
  • Get a visual display of where a document is in a work-flow at any time (Instant Routing).


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