Discovery & Blueprinting

Discovery & Blueprinting

Discovery & Blueprinting

Pericent offers you consulting services to help your business Discovery & Blueprinting and do an analysis of your document routing processes and business processes/operation(as it is formed) in the same way as you do in your home improvement project.

i.e. if anyone, who has built or improved a house better understands, a blueprint of your project offers you the best chance of successfully achieving your goals.

In the business, a documenting blueprint can be effective. A business process blueprint helps you and your colleagues to understand the processes.

Our team of ECM management consultants also has a proven track record of successfully implementing workflow-enabled enterprise content management systems. Our Enterprise Content Management services will empower our clients to successfully unlock the true value of the information contained in their documents/files.

Final Outcome – Discovery & Blueprinting – End to End Processes

Best practice process blueprint document (as it is) can drive your re-engineering & implementation of your business operations, and help to maximize your solution investment. The process blueprint documentation can be easily managed and tailored to your organization, definitely will accelerate your implementation, minimize risk, increase user adoption and ultimately result in an improved return on investment. However, the value also extends beyond by ensuring processes are continually performed in the most effective, efficient way.

Our Business Process Blueprint services include,

Business Process Discovery

Here, we assist your organization to identify or discover all your processes from front office to back office including compliance, auditing, and management-related processes. While it may seem facile to take this step (maybe you think you know all the processes already), still it helps you to begin thinking everything is a process.

Business Process Inventory

Here, we assist your organization to prepare a list of all your processes. While it may seem facile to take this step (maybe you think you know all the processes already), the assembly of a visual list helps you to begin thinking about process prioritization.

Establish the Foundation

Step two helps you to identify and develop ‘what to be done scope’. It is like that you would develop a plan before starting a home improvement project, a business process blueprint needs boundaries to be established.

Draw the Business Process Blueprint

Creating a visual model of the process blueprint involves understanding where the hand-offs between departments occur. The step has you apply the information from the preceding step by illustrating what department or individual is responsible for what part of the process from beginning to end.

 Time and Cost of Process

Before setting goals for process improvement, it is crucial to understand, how long do processes take and cost your organization right now? This step certainly helps to identify and define the parameters that will be used to set improvement targets.

Verify the Process Blueprint

It is valuable to get feedback from the appropriate team to make sure that your newly created blueprint reflects reality. This step also helps to establish stakeholder support.


Document Workflow Blueprint Services

Our team of seasoned experts provides best-practice services to assist your organization’s discovery & blueprinting with the workflow of documents.


Talk to a Business Consultant Today !!

So what processes do you have that need improvement? Not sure where to start? With our extensive knowledge of Business Process Automation, we are well qualified to provide you with process blueprinting services that lead to immediate and measurable process improvements.

Call Pericent on  +91-6375406249 and tell us what problem you are trying to solve.

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