Configure different levels of permission to multiple users or roles. | |
Encrypted Transmission and Storage of Documents | |
Transparently manage and control multiple versions of any document
| |
Optical Character Recognition for text search on any Image Document | |
Bulk Upload of Multiple Documents and Download Multiple Document as Zip | |
Document Searching by Full text, Meta Data, Tag and Many More.
| |
Design, Edit, Control and Apply Multiple Stamps
| |
Capture Data and Generate Predefined Documents in PDF using eForms | |
Direct Email Capture by Individual User & Email Filter | |
Document and Folder Sharing to External Parties via
Email | |
Document Rating by Multiple Users
| |
Apply Multiple Free or Predefined Tags on Documents
| |
Configure Document Archiving Bundle of Old Documents | |
Backup Management
| |
The document gets Automatically Indexed in the Repository
| |
Configure Different Metadata Template to Assign Category to a Document and Custom Indexes
| |
Various Options to Share Documents via Email (Attachment, Encrypted Document, Download Ticket)
| |
Built-in Calendar, Task Definition and Assigning to Multiple Users | |
Various Compliances ISO 9001:2018, ISO27001, SEC etc | |
Detailed Audit Trail of User Activities
| |
Setup of multiple isolated repositories with specific users
| |
Very Simple to Design of Various Document Intensive Proceses like Various kinds of Approvals | |
It supports the search of documents in different languages | |
LDAP / Active Directory Access
| |
External Integration API | |
Document Scanning & Capturing | |
Meta Template & Tagging | |
Document History | |
Google Docs/MS Office Integration | |
Watched Folder
Document Indexi | |
Sharing Document with other Tenant &
Publically | |
Applying Multiple Annotations on Document Preview and downloading PDF document with annotation | |
Configure Organization Level Digital Signature and Digitally Sign any document by users of the system | |
Monitor Documents with Event Subscription & Notifications. | |
Event Calendar/Scheduling Task | |
Mobile App (Android/iOS/Windows) | |