
 Case Studies | Milk Products Industry 

(Document Intensive Process) 

Purchase Order Generation Process, Amul Dairy, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

The objective of the Amul’s leadership to reduce the movement of physical papers in the organization for multiple approvals by different roles within the purchasing team. They want every document should appear electronically.


It was very challenging to handle complex checkpoints of documents routing along with so many documents along with the purchase order process to hide out certain documents from everyone else in the Amul Purchase Dept.

The Client

Amul Dairy, Gandhinagar, Gujarat


Dairy Products


Amul Dairy implemented a complete purchase order generation process using the docEdge DMS – Enterprise Edition ‘s workflow feature. They have successfully implemented a very complex process with multiple approvers digitally signing the document along with generating a set of documents along with the main purchase order document like the comparison report, which is not visible to all the performers of the process.

Business Benefits

The solution made it easy for the dairy to run their purchase order generation of IT department,


Process Model

Amul Purchase Order Generation

Technology Used and Architecture

docEdge DMS – Enterprise Edition



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