Adaptive Case Management

Adaptive Case Management Tool | bpmEdge BPMS

Adaptive Case Management


Dynamic. Because that’s how you operate.

bpmEdge BPMS Software Platform have certain capabilities as an case management tool

Interactions between people, process, data, and content can be dynamic, ad hoc, and unpredictable. Unify these interactions for better, faster, smarter decisions.

Support all styles of case work—including Investigations, Incident Management, Service Requests, and Process to Decision—with the bpmEdge Digital Transformation Platform.

What is Case Management?

It is a group of processes, and therefore are more complex. Cases typically involve actions by multiple people and/or departments and case management works to organize, compile and track cases. While BPM puts emphasis on single processes, Case Management puts emphasis on the complete and complex unit of processes that make up a case.

An example of a case could then be an investigation. While there may be steps, the direction of those steps could be widely varied. And, it’s not just the outcomes that make it a case, but that the process itself is not consistent, as it would be in BPM. In case management, multiple people need to be able to complete their required tasks, but within the context of understanding of the case.

Again, if we use HR as an example, it could be a case of an employee injury. The employee may need to go to the doctor and be treated and released, or they may need to take a leave. Worker’s comp may be filed and they may have several doctor visits before returning to work, or they may be terminated. HR, Payroll, Operations, Medical Doctors, and Insurance may all have tasks to complete. This then, is a case.

BPM vs Case Management

Many businesses and non-profits have the need for both BPM and adaptive case management, and often the lines between the need for either is rather blurred. The reason we cover it is because some may believe they need one specific product or service only to discover their needs are more robust, more complicated, than the system or software they purchased.

They become frustrated and may give up because they are trying to squeeze their cases and processes into a solution that doesn’t fit. So instead of thinking it as BPM vs case management, think of it as BPM and case management operating together to improve process efficiency.

bpmEdge BPM software from Pericent was built with case management solutions in mind and is a core feature within the software. Are you ready to see for yourself if bpmEdge is the right fit for your BPM and case management software needs? Why choose BPM vs case management when you can have both.

 Case Management technology that can help manage unstructured processes. It requires you to think about a process in terms of people and information and not processes.

A case is defined by AIIM as:

“…any project, transaction, service or response that is “opened” and “closed” over a period of time to achieve resolution of a problem, claim, request, proposal, development or other complex activity. It is likely to involve multiple persons inside and outside of the organisation, with varying relationships to each other, as well as multiple documents and messages.”

With a case management solution, you can manage an unstructured process without putting defined activities, and process flows against it. Case management tools ensure every process has an owner, that there is clear visibility and accountability into how the process is executed, and it provides guidelines and best practices that can be applied.




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