Posts Tagged Business Process Management

12 Key Factor to Choose Right Business Process Management Software

business process management software

There are many business process management software options on the market. Hundreds of options are available, with different levels of functionality. This is a great thing itself, but it can also be a problem as buyers often assume that all BPM software is the same.

However, this is not the case. Business process management software (BPMS), can differ in terms of type, scope, or implementation. For some users, however, options overload can lead to analysis paralysis as they jump from one product to the next trying to make a decision.

This guide proposes a workflow that will streamline the BPMS selection and assist BPM software buyers in predicting high success rates in software/business best fit matching.

Consider these factors when choosing right business process management software

BPM software is a key factor for every business but before why did 70% of BPM Implementations got Fail. These are the 12 criteria you should consider when deciding which process management software is best for your process improvement goals.

Monitoring in Real-Time

To support real-time monitoring, your system should have bespoke monitoring applications. This feature can be used to monitor key process indicators and provide real-time monitoring.

Customer Support Tickets — Analyzes new tickets, resolves tickets, and times resolutions. This will help you to create a client-oriented department.

Percentage of Product Failures — This is the percentage of defective products. It takes the total number of units produced and divides it by the number of spoilt units.

LOB Efficiency Measure — This measure measures staff efficiency by analyzing the number of units produced each hour.

Role-Based Routing

It is important to choose a tool with role-based routing capabilities. This feature is crucial because it allows you to clearly define the roles of each team member in your company, even if they are not defined in the response database.

Integration with existing software solutions

The ideal process management software tool must be flexible enough that it can interoperate with other business tools. This capability allows you to access data from other platforms, without having to manually enter the information. You can quickly access data stored in other business tools and, with just a few clicks, download the target data to your business process management software database. This streamlines the entire process and saves time and money.

Comprehensive Reporting

The primary reason you should incorporate business process management software into your company’s operations is to increase production. A tool without a solid reporting system is not worthwhile. For a business process to be successful, it is essential that you have a solid reporting system.

If you are looking for a unique tool to revolutionize your business processes, then consider one that combines logic and statistics to create an informative and comprehensive report.

Mobile Support

People are becoming more attached to their phones. Most people sync their mobile devices with their bank, email, and work accounts.
Employees can create customized, accessible work environments by choosing a business management software tool that allows them to sync their smartphones easily.

Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard widgets are an essential part of any business process management software. Employees can create a dashboard to help them see the status of their most important tasks and get instant access to the filtered results.


Consider who will use it and what their communication preferences are. It will be used by frontline staff or technical process specialists. Users should be able to interact with the interface easily. It shouldn’t be too difficult to use. You should look for functionality that saves time and effort. For example, the automatic generation of process maps based on user input. A search function that improves ease of use and does not causes frustration is one example.

Many processes are dynamic, so change management is a must. A dashboard that displays automatic notifications can give users visibility into the status of their processes and give managers assurance that they are being notified when there is a change.


Business analysts should be able to access information from their process management software that supports them in making processes more efficient and enabling them to use tools such as Six Sigma and Kaizen. This approach is something you should consider if you want to implement it. You will need to be able to identify waste opportunities, eliminate non-value-added activities, and spot cost reduction possibilities.

The BPM tool should also be available to all employees in order to facilitate the analysis of current processes as well as the identification of potential improvement opportunities. Your teams will know everything about your processes and can help you plan for the future. This is an essential component of identifying automation opportunities and improving them.


Version control should be a feature of your process management software. This will allow you to track who uses the system and keep an eye on any changes for auditors. Your process improvement efforts will be successful if you have a clear governance system. Transform success measures into job reviews and key performance indicators to increase engagement. This will ensure that you don’t go back to where you started, with outdated processes that no one uses.

Content Management

Collaboration is the key to process improvement. The BPM tool is designed to encourage collaboration and the exchange and support of ideas. It will also track and accommodate feedback and suggestions for improvement. They should be easily traceable and tracked.

Many organizations find it difficult to provide teams with process information when and where they need it. Engaging with your processes will be easier if there is one location that contains all the process truth. Process guidance should be accessible in places that your teams use every day. This could include the company intranet, URL links in ERP systems, CRMs, or Salesforce. Consider how your teams will be able to access the process information. What and when will they require it? How can you make process management software accessible to your teams?


As your business grows and changes, your process management software must adapt to meet these needs. Word, Visio, and PowerPoint are not scalable, so they can’t keep pace with process mapping tools such as PowerPoint. Your rollout plan should include more than just the technology. It should also detail the resources required to implement and embed that technology.


Your business process software selection should not be based solely on cost. If you don’t see small wins in a short time, regardless of cost, you need to question the return on investment. A vendor should treat your investment as their own and give you the opportunity to make suggestions. Flexible providers will take you along on the process improvement journey with them and respond quickly to any questions.

Last words

There is no doubt that the BPMS is a crucial element that will enable you to improve your processes. However, it is only possible if you choose the right tool and the correct process management approach for your company. You can view your BPM requirements through the lens of usability, governance and analysis. This will ensure that you choose the best approach to meet your current or future business process management needs. It will also help to maximize your return on investment.

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Why Business Process Management Software Is Crucial Element for Automation of Your Procedures

business process management software

Business Process Management Software is an enterprise-level solution for automating repetitive operations, managing core processes, and managing process logic. Your company’s growth improves with easier-to-follow methods.

BPMS is being adopted by an increasing number of businesses because every domain becomes more competitive. In fact, there has been a steady increase in its market value from $13 billion to $14 billion in 2021. Also, the market becomes less tolerant of mistakes.

Do you want to stay on top of the game in your line of work? What’s missing from your products, services, and company practices? What better way to do it than using software that allows you to create bespoke processes and simple applications to make things better?

We will share with you the significant benefits of using BPM software and why the BPM business is booming around the world.

Benefits of Business Process Management Software

1. Reduce Costs

Focused work, knowledge, lower equipment expenses, and efficiency are all advantages of BPM. Employees are focused on certain activities since you hired them with a specific skill set to execute specified jobs. If they’ve been performing a similar job for some time, it’s safe to assume they’re already experts in their fields.

Because you’ll be outsourcing labor, you’ll be able to save money on equipment as they’ll be using their own. They will be more efficient at their duties since they are utilizing their own equipment and are already familiar with the gear and software.

2. Recognition and Response to New Demands

One of the most recent changes in the way we think about process management is that processes are becoming more customer-focused and less productivity-focused. Instead of focusing on how to improve processes to get a product out faster and more efficiently, stakeholders now want to enhance processes to better fulfill the demands of customers.

It directly affected customer satisfaction and retention. Furthermore, changing corporate processes to match consumer expectations frequently leads to other significant benefits, such as increased productivity and efficiency.

3. Increase Productivity

Companies must perform at their best in the face of increasing competition and increasingly rigorous survival circumstances. The best BPM software can help firms enhance efficiency and provide more services or products to their consumers. The company would not have seen the inefficiency if it hadn’t been for business process management.

4. Stay in Competition

When your operations are repetitive and inefficient, they get clogged with waste, leaving you with less time to focus on research and development activities or other actions that will help your firm stay ahead of the competition.

This is because if you don’t streamline your company processes, you’ll always be engaged in operations, which inhibits creativity and causes waste to collect, slowing you down even more.

5. Standardize Processes

The vital for a business is a well-defined, strategic plan for how things will be done. You may standardize your company’s practices with BPM software. When methods are not standardized, quality control becomes problematic, among other reasons.

6. Cross-department collaboration

Everyone in a firm has to be on the same page and working toward the same objectives. The best BPM software improves cross-departmental cooperation, which benefits the company significantly. If business process management is not adopted, different business sectors may be unaware of how their processes relate to or clash with one another.

When to Invest in Business Process Management Software?

Even if you don’t know what procedures your company needs to execute now, having a platform to assist you to figure it out is a good idea, right?

Because you’re already set up with the software, you can simply start searching for methods to improve and automate your business once you get started and see big inefficiencies or bottlenecks in your operations.

And if you’re operating a business right now, you already know that if repetitive chores or human error are impeding your company’s development, it’s time to rethink what’s going on.

If you want to get out on the right foot and avoid the pitfalls that new company owners make every year, stop procrastinating and get started by purchasing business process software that fits your standards.

How to Choose The Best BPM Software?

Though BPMS software is designed to make workflows easier and collaborations better, selecting the proper platform might be a little more difficult.

Understanding your needs, determining the number of users, assessing prices, and evaluating onboarding and readiness may all be reduced to three steps.

Let’s look at these three crucial steps for selecting the finest business process management software for your company.

1.  Evaluate The Needs of Your Business

The initial step in selecting BPMS software is also the most extensive. Business process management software is available in a variety of forms and sizes for a variety of businesses in various sectors.

More complete service has the advantage of being less restricted than those focusing on single set of workflow or limited flexibility. Software like bpmEdge BPMS allows you to customize the platform to your specific needs.

2. Determine The Number of Users

BPM software selection process  calculating the number of users. When considering users, the three most important factors to consider are where you’re beginning from, where you’re heading, and where you intend to end up.

The majority of BPMs base their pricing on the number of users. In many ways, you may combine stages two and three (cost assessment) into one discussion.

3. Evaluate Onboarding, Readiness

The capacity for onboarding new processes and readiness for new processes are factors to consider while selecting BPM software. Even if one solution appears to be superior to another, the onboarding process may make or break a platform’s initial success. Yes, you can recover from a bad launch, but you will waste time & money. if you are not prepared for the BPM software’s learning curve.

Many businesses also look at tools like a learning management system to enhance their onboarding system. LMS for onboarding supports how you plan your onboarding training, providing your onboarding training, scheduling training, and checking results and metrics.

examples of learning management systems, so choosing the right one for you could be daunting. However, there are LMS solutions that integrate with your existing BPM for a more seamless implementation.

Business Process Management Software for All Businesses

Business process management software tools are often used by mid-to-large businesses to aid in the
automation of business processes using various workflow tools.

Have you used any of the business process management software tools? What are your thoughts on them, and how do they compare to other BPM systems? Are there any more BPMS products on the market that we haven’t mentioned? Let us know what you think!

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Apply V-B6 to Your Business Nerves (Process)

business process blog

As V B6 is useful for the nervous system of the human body, in the same way Mediation of the business process system improves operations in business.

Here, many companies are claiming to have a strong digital interface for their customer, marketing, and sales operations. They solved the specific problem they encountered, however what about handling problems not yet arrived. Moreover, these companies are not having truly implemented internal operational strength as internal processes are manual and in control of human nature.

That means a strong person makes them good going and at the same time a weak performer can make them less performing processes. Trust me, there needs to be really a mediated implementation of process management to strengthen all external situations like market change, policy changes, the multi-culture multi-geography extension of business, working under multiple government policies due to global business presence.

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“Digital Inside”, mostly not yet done or just done partially!

Digital Inside

I have witnessed that many bigger organizations yet not have a real Digital Inside that is because of end-to-end automation and integrated business processes. Most of IT implementations are rather a record management system. A lot of initiative has been taken by the leadership of the organization, however, it doesn’t catch up in-depth top to down integrated implementation of processes. Sometimes, it is more like marketing of implementation is done on branded products rather focus on understanding the real value of investment done by the organization.  Even, many times follow what others are doing, let go the same way without having thoughtful analysis in the context of your business like these days hype of RPA, AI, ML, BigData, etc.

Without adopting business process automation and management methodology and system, how can a bigger organization guarantee a good experience to all its stakeholders?  In one the report of Mc Kinency that only 37% of processes have been automated, I believe, it is even much lesser in reality.

Even, I have personally observed so many times, that an important vendor or customer-related processes become inefficient because of human inefficiency, depends on human efficiency allocated to take the process forward. Here, what if rather processes become self-sufficient to drive expected performance irrespective of particular human efficiency not ERP way rather BPM way.  Most of the processes should be auto-initiated based on event or time schedule.

Most of the organizations have taken their IT initiatives, which finally end up with the same silos implementation around the monolithic ERP system. seems to be only full proof technology, doesn’t need much of innovation, risk, etc.

However, according to one of Google’s recent reports, ERP covers only 20% of processes in the medium to large organizations. How about the majority of unorganized or unstructured processes, which are 80% of total operations. This 80 % of operations are driven by email and excel-sheet, which are completely under the blessing of humans, which is variable in nature.

These emails and excel sheets are a few major tools actually to drive most of the business operations including internal and external almost everywhere in the world. Ultimately, these emails copy or excel-sheets become well-printed copy to present to concern person manually.  You might agree with me that such email and excel are quite easy, unstructured, loosely coupled and passive tools to drive your businesses.

Now, questions are about how we get real value, how we can make things better and let digital technology to drive your operations more efficiently.

Here, I strongly suggest maximizing the use of a business process management approach and platform to establish a digital nerve system in your organization. And, ensure every end is connected to enable correlation, hence Digital IQ in the organization.

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