Posts Tagged Manufacturing Industry

EDMS- Top 4 use cases in Manufacturing Firms

EDMS in Manufacturing

Our previous article presented a glance over the importance of the documentation process in manufacturing firms. Numbers of advantages of using the electronic document management system were communicated in the blog. So, this succeeding blog will be talking about the four main use cases of the EDMS system in any manufacturing firm.

The operations in manufacturing firms are not limited to just the production of logistics. But, it takes support from several other processes in the firm. Manufacturing requires the raw materials which are received through supply. The forecasting is used to manufacture a specific quantity of logistics. The management of existing and new logistics is the other big task. In the end, the transportation process helps to deliver the logistics to the retailers and customers. Communication with all the stakeholders also plays a vital role.

Most importantly, the validity of all these processes is verified by the documents only. As discussed earlier, “If is not in the documents, it didn’t happen”. The production unit, the raw material received, the transportation used, the forecast, orders, and all other data are stored in the documents only.

EDMS in the process

EDMS system helps the manufacturing firms to store and use this bulk of data in a more organized and managed way. It is neither safe nor a good idea to keep the physical files and papers for the documents of this much importance. The chances of different physical damage will always be a threat to the data and information of your firm.

Electronic Document Management System works to eliminate the chances of these risks. Moreover, the EDMS aims at smoothening the documents and information flow across the different departments & operational units of the firm.

Here are the top four user cases of EDMS in the different departments of the manufacturing industry:

Supply chain management

Supply chain management is one of the most important parts of any manufacturing firm. It works as the connecting bone between the market and the manufacturing firm. Electronic Document Management System like docEdge DMS helps to organize all the information about the supply of logistics in a well managed and digital format and thus make it more accessible.

The information about the different suppliers, the logistics received, logistics sent, the payment received and given, the quantity, date and time, etc. can be managed in a categorized and integrated system. Any paper can be signed and then sent to the other party as well. It makes the supply chain process very efficient and timeliness.

Logistics management

Manufacturing is all about logistics. A manufacturing firm makes the production strictly on a proper calculation of supply and demand. To perform this necessary calculation, the information such as demand in the market, logistics available in the market, logistics available in the warehouse, the need for new production, supply and material required for the manufacturing, and other bulk of information has to be analyzed.

All of this information comes in the form of documents. Any mistake in this process can cost a loss of millions of dollars to the firm. So, Electronic Document Management System removes the chances of mistakes and thus provides every data at the fingertips within moments.

Accuracy in accounting and finance

Due to the contribution of the different processes in the manufacturing firms, there is a lot of accounting and finance work. Taking the example, a firm has to keep a record of the payment done to different suppliers, the payment received from the other party, quantity of inventories, salary of the staff, spending on the different departments, cash in-flow, cash out-flow, and many more.

So, thousands of documents have to be managed only for accounting and finance. EDMS takes this headache away from you. The Electronic Document Management system allows you to manage all of your documentation and finance data in a digital format. So, it also becomes easier to share, retrieve and present the data for future use.

Complete control over transportation

A manufacturing firm is associated with the number of transportation service providers according to their respective market size. So, an electronic document management system helps keep a record with every transport associate and partner.

An efficient record of inventories traveling with a specific fleet along with the quantity and other specifications can be maintained. Moreover, the necessary documents can also be transferred digitally to the fleet drivers so that chances of document damage can also be avoided.

Wrapping up

EDMS has the potential of enhancing the management of different processes in manufacturing firms. It eliminates the chances of error and thus makes the documentation even smoother and well organized.

Whether your organisation is looking to go paperless or to automate business processes, our line of products are the Umbrella Platforms for your needs. Reach Us

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EDMS : Enhance Operational Process of Manufacturing Industry

Electronic Document Management System for manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry is nothing less than the backbone of any country. For example, the manufacturing industry contributes around 17% of the total GDP. Moreover, the industry has been growing at a rate of 9-10% every year since 2003. But, these facts and figures are not what make it the backbone of the country. It is the importance and contribution of the manufacturing industry that makes it so. The industry fulfills the thousands of needs of billions of people in day-to-day life. Vehicles, packed food, clothes, medicines, lifestyle products, and other million of needs are fulfilled by the manufacturing industry only.

But, do you know what the backbone of the manufacturing industry is? It is the documentation and record-keeping process of the industry. Manufacturing firms have a phrase common in them, “If it is not noted down, it didn’t happen“. So, documents are more important than the actual transaction taking place.

Electronic Document Management System is a digital platform to keep these important assets of the industry safe, secure and well-managed. There are thousands of documents such as purchase, supply, sell, cash flow, name, companies, raw material, labor cost, etc. So, the document management system provides the integrated platform for the efficient management of these documents.

For better understanding, the following are the five use cases of Electronic Document Management System in the manufacturing industry:

Streamlining the different stages of manufacturing

First of all, the Electronic Document Management System helps to streamline the documentation process of manufacturing firms. It will provide an integrated platform for document management while still maintaining the different documents in different sections. So, the system will not mix up the data of marketing, raw material, sales, supply, salary, and logistics. However, it can be easily found on an integrated platform. So, becomes easy to store and manage all the important documents on a single platform. Hence EDMS provides a convenient and easy method for document management.

Search documents relevant to sales, production, supply or anything instantly

A manufacturing firm generates thousands of documents every year. So, getting the right document at the right time is nothing less than a miracle. Electronic Document Management System makes this miracle a part of your daily working routine. First of all, it works on an integrated platform. So, user can search any document within a moment. However, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is the other feature that makes the searching process even easier. OCR helps to search for the document even if you don’t remember the name of the document. It can search the document with any keyword embedded in the document.

Share the document automatically with other parties

In manufacturing industry, Sharing the documents and papers from one stakeholder to another one is a big task. So, EDMS makes it simpler for you. As per the command of the user, the right document will be forwarded to the right stakeholder at the right time automatically. Moreover, even if you need to put a signature on the document, EDMS has the option for that as well.

Better control of documents

Control is a “must-have” requirement for the document in the manufacturing industry. So, Electronic Document Management System provides complete control of each document. With the help of EDMS, you will have complete authority to give access to a document. If you want to give access to a specific document to a specific person, EDMS allows you to do so.

Ahead of the curve for safety

The Electronic Document Management System enhances the safety of documents to a significant level. It not only gives them access feature to the user but also provides traceability options to the users. EDMS can trace any document very efficiently. EDMS has the capability to track any activity such as opening the document, sharing the document, forwarding the document, editing the document, the user who received or sent the document. Hence, it elevates the safety and security of a document significantly.

Wrapping Up

So Electronic Document Management System is a documentation infrastructure that helps the firm to become completely paperless. It makes the process faster, smoother, secure and efficient.

If you are planning to make the smart move and adopt the Electronic Document Management System, docEdge DMS is the best fit for you. It will help you to be more productive and efficient than all of your competitors.

Posted in: Document Management System

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