Rules Automation Solutions

Smart Decision Computation | Implement Business Rules

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Our professional team are well versed with implementation of business rules based process automation solutions to bring smart decision calculation with your business processes.

Smart BPM with Business Rules

Today’s major organization want “smart” business process management platforms that can thrive in complex, highly dynamic operational environments. A smart process automation solution, however, can only be as smart as its business rules capabilities. In a sense, business rules are the intellect of a BPM system. For a business processes to be automated, an organizations goals, policies, and procedures must be depicted into a set of business rules that can be applied to decision making activities. The more strength to the business rules capability, the more will be the reach of your BPM system.

bpmEdge BPMS | Integrated Business Rules Engine

Founded nearly one decade, Pericent Technologies has been long experience business rules logic and automated decisions. High end business rules capabilities are one of core components of our BPM platform as well as our industry-specific business process solutions.

Pericent’s bpmEdge have integrated Drool based variety of rule types, so that business rule creators aren’t left trying to fit square pegs into round holes. Included among the dozens of rule types powered by bpmEdge technology are:

Along with an unparalleled degree of rules sophistication that allows organizations to more fully capture and automate their processes and practices, bpmEdge’s business rules technology is also distinguished by its ease of use. Intuitive HTML rule forms enable business users to easily build and manage decision tables.

For more information please contact us or call us +916375406249

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