Pricing- Standard Version
Automate more. Code Less. Deliver powerful applications faster.
Sign up for a free trial or contact us for a no-hassle estimate.
Standard License
- Number of Users
Min 50 Users with option to add more at a discount*
- Capabilities
Industry-leading low-code development for web and mobile applications, Industry-leading BPM and case management, Rules-based decisioning, Built-in AI connectors to services from AWS, Google and Microsoft, Robotic process automation**, Document and content management, Social collaboration, Analytics and reporting, Localisation
- Environment
Fully managed on Cloud
Public Cloud(Amazon, Azure, Google)
On Premises / Hybrid
- Support
Email and Phone
- Training
Contact UsApplication License
- Number of Users
- Capabilities
Industry-leading low-code development for web and mobile applications, Industry-leading BPM and case management, Rules-based decisioning, Built-in AI connectors to services from AWS, Google and Microsoft, Robotic process automation**, Document and content management, Social collaboration, Analytics and reporting, Localisation
- Environment
Fully managed on Cloud
Public Cloud(Amazon, Azure, Google)
On Premises / Hybrid
- Support
Email and Phone
- Training
One fixed price for your entire application. No pricing for different types of users, no transaction fees, just budget certainty.
Contact Us- *Unlike competitors, bpmEdge doesn’t try to disguise our true cost with complex pricing schemes based on transactions or non-transparent partial user concepts, that are designed to create a painful “gotcha” price surprise some time in the future – after you’ve been locked into a contract.
- † Online training is free. Additional fees may apply for in-person training.
- Pricing is subject to bpmEdge standard terms and conditions and minimum purchase requirements.